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The international symbol for ROCK ON

28 Mar

On Monday:


Imagine me, legs braced, head back, hands thrown out in the international sign for rock on, mouth wide, screaming: WHOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO!

Blossoming trees are pretty exciting.

In other news, I must thank Lisa at United Cakedom for nominating me for a Liebster Award; Lizzy at the eponymous Lizzy Bradbury for nominating me for a Versatile Blogger Award, and The Foreigner  at Living Life as an Expat Parent (among others unknown — was it you?) for nominating me for a BritMums Brilliance in Blogging Award where I made the shortlist in category “GO!”.  Apparently you can vote for me.  Or check it out and vote for some other brilliant blogger.  It’s all good, man.